Do something today your future self will thank you for.

Hi, I’m Brooke!

Finding my ‘sweet spot’ didn’t happen fast or easy, and sometimes it’s more of a sour or bitter spot. If you know what I’m talking about, keep reading. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, keep reading!

What I have learned in the last 2 1/2 decades {and really have been learning my whole life} is that the sweet spot moves as we change and grow in our lives.

It took me YEARS of (IM)balance to find that (I’M) always BALANCED. What does that mean? Well, I was always working myself to DEATH to have all the balls perfectly in the air at the same time. 

That isn’t balance my friend, that is one of two things:

1 – A crisis waiting to happen when all the balls fall at the same time (who has been there?)

2 – Stagnation. Stuck. A Rut. Exhaustion. Burn Out. Giving Up…

You get it, and maybe you’ve found yourself in one of these places a time or two, we all have. But, what I’ve come to realize, after losing my balls on more than one occasion, is that balance is a CONSTANT shifting and that everything in life has a season! There is a season for family, children, career, ME {spoiler alert: self care is ALWAYS in season!}…priorities shift as one thing gets settled and another needs attention. Having THIS knowledge is the sweetest spot there is!

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